[tiflo-juegos] Swamp 2.1 liberado.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

La esperada versión 2.1 ya está disponible, pego el link y después las novedades, en inglés. Esta vez es necesario bajar todo el pack, pues se han modificado muchas cosas, y con un parche no sirve. El mismo language.txt sirve, así que haced una copia de él y volvedlo a pegar en la carpeta swamp cuando reemplacéis todo.


Changes from version 2.0 to 2.1

- Fixed a long standing bug that wouldn't let people travel between maps or drop off crates if they were using a custom language file.
- The new voices have been added.
- New music has been added. There is now a separate piece of music for each map, including missions.
- Fixed the bug where secondary armor did not show up when viewing health and armor together.
- Sniper impact sounds have been adjusted.
- Player pain sounds have been adjusted.
- Some additional measures have been taken to improve game performance on slower machines.
- The exposed sewer pipe that connects Map 1 and Map 2 has been changed. Instead of 2 pipes for entering and exiting there is now just 1 pipe.
- The Hospital on map 2 has had a small change to add in an elevator. If you go inside the elevator, and press Enter, you will get to explore the hospital's second floor!
- Server and Client code has been significantly altered to improve game performance during heavy weapon's fire.
- Fixed a small ammunition issue on the Last man standing map where attempting to unload or reload ammo when the mission started could destroy the ammo.
- Several new security measures have been put in place. People who use memory hackers to cheat during multiplayer will be permanently banned from Swamp, so consider yourself warned. In addition to new ways to track hackers, new methods have also been added to help identify banned players who attempt to return.
- The server is able to spot truck sitters more easily, and report them to me for further inspection.
- Arming the field kit now tells you how many med kits you still have in reserve. This more closely matches how the guns work.
- Fixed the bug where dead player names could be seen on some zombies while graphics were on.
- Fixed the phantom player bug that would affect missions.
- When your radio is on standby or turned off, chat messages will still show up in your chat log now.
- Using brackets to review game messages will no longer include player chat.
- A dedicated Arabic channel has been added.
- Whispering and sending chat emotes should display properly now.
- Fixed the bug where zombies could be pulled into missions along with players.
- Finding 9mm and 5.56mm ammo now gives you 30 rounds instead of 40.
- The way that loot and zombies spawn has been adjusted to give a more even spread. The random number generator had started producing predictable patterns and I believe this new method will give a more even spread.
- The whisper command has been expanded to work when players have spaces in their names. Use an underscore (_) where the name normally has a space, and the whisper should work as normal. For example if the player's name is "John Doe" then to whisper him you would type /w john_doe hello.
- The Winchester rifle now uses .30 calibur ammo instead of 5.56mm ammo.
- Weapon keys have been adjusted. Instead of selecting individual guns, pressing the number keys now select weapon categories instead. Pressing the same key again will cycle through all weapons that you have for that category.
- Added a way to keep truck sitters out of your missions. The file losers.txt allows you to list up to 20 players who will be unable to join the missions you lead. This allows leaders to prevent known trouble makers from tagging along to ruin the fun.
- New weapon, the Riot Shield. The Riot shield is a purely defensive tool that has a very high block rate. When set to Repel mode the shield can be swung to stun zombies for a few moments to give you time to run away. This weapon is in the Melee class so it will be listed along with the Axe.
- New weapon, the Glock 17. The Glock 17 is similar to the Glock 19 everyone is already familiar with. The gun comes with a slightly larger clip size and is still able to benefit from the silencer used on the Glock 19. This weapon is in the Pistol class so it will be listed along with the Glock 19.
- The Benelli has been moved from its previous place on the number row. This weapon is in the Shotgun class so it can be accessed by pressing 2, or by pressing 2 a second time if you already have a Browning Citori.
- The Suppressor has been renamed to Small Suppressor.
- The Silencer has been renamed to Small Silencer.
- The Scope has been renamed to Yukon Scope.
- New weapon, the Uzi. Similar to the MP5 in performance but benefits from a larger magazine size. The Uzi can be operated in single, burst, or even suppressed mode if you have a small suppressor. This gun is in the SMG class so it will be listed along with the MP5.
- You can once again access the main menu during missions. The old method was causing more problems than it was worth. The new method opens the menu but will not pause the game.
- I believe I've fixed the but which caused small amounts of reputation to drain away when you returned to the safe zone. This was a disagreement about the correct amount of reputation between the client and server.
- You can now use J and shift + J to adjust the volume of zombie footsteps.
- A new tracker, called the Follow-tracker, has been added. Use O and P to cycle through players and use I to either chime their location once, or press I twice to continue to chime them.
- Fixed a bug that caused people to become essentially invisible if they had stealth and elusive maxed and also still had the infamous bunny slippers from when I gave some out.
- Fixed several small bugs that could cause zombies to show up on the wrong map.
- Zombies killed in the sewer now play the correct sound when their bodies fall.
- Health now shows as points instead of a percentage. The percentages made more sense but confused a lot of people. This will hopefully stop the false bug reports that I get constantly about the health, lol!
- Fixed the bug that started people out with only 100 points of health when people had health upgraded.
- I've recoded the missions list so that it should now be more responsive and also not crash like it used to.
- I think I've removed the bug which would announce that a mission had been canceled even though you weren't in the mission that got canceled.

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